Datavalley Community Latest Questions
How to create and configure an AWS EC2 instance, which is a virtual server in the cloud used for running applications? What are the steps and considerations that should be taken into account like to specify instance type, key pair, ...
What steps and considerations should be taken into account when configuring security groups to effectively manage network access and maintain the security of resources within your infrastructure in AWS?
What are the steps involved in creating an Amazon RDS instance and connecting to it using a database client or programming language-specific libraries? What is the functionality of RDS?
How can I set up and configure Amazon S3 to create an S3 bucket, upload objects to it, and access those objects? What are the steps to create an S3 bucket, upload files, and access the stored objects ...
What are the different storage options available in AWS and how to use them?
Which of the following is NOT a cloud computing networking service?
What exactly is AWS S3? What is it used for?
Which type of instance can be used in AWS to deploy a 4 node Hadoop cluster?