How does Scala work with big data frameworks like Spark and Hadoop?
Datavalley Community Latest Questions
I want to update values depending on the current record. prisma.user.updateMany((record) => { const recordID = return { data: { encryptedId: encrypt(recordID) }}; }; });
I have a datetime stamped object 2023-07-07 02:12:18.624. I tried using the following query: select * from device where to_char(device_created_at,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FFF') = '2023-07-07 02:12:18.624' How to query using TIMESTAMP in PostgreSQL?
I’m getting the following error in jenkins: Error extracting database:Could not connect to database server. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was ...
I want to block users from editing the table like adding or deleting rows or columns from the table. Please mention how to restore those user privileges later.
I have imported certain collections into Power BI from MongoDB. I am getting this error when I close and apply from power query into Power BI: Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'OLE DB ...
How can I check the file size and directories in the HDFS directory?
Which ETL component is responsible for loading transformed data into the target system?
Without using MongoDB standard driver and without any cloud or large scale installation I need local MongoDB with simple instances.
After the connection to MongoDB, I need to export the client.db() but the default export must be at the top of a module declaration. How can I use export within this?