How to perform aggregation operations and use the pipeline concept to manipulate and analyze data? The data is to be aggregated based on a specific category, grouped by brand, and sorted to retrieve the top 10 brands with ...
Datavalley Community Latest Questions
How can I use the create_index method in MongoDB to create indexes on one or more fields, and how does it contribute to query optimization?
What is the query to delete multiple collections, say around 30 to 40 collections in MongoDB?
How to update a mongoDB collection having around 5 million documents in the collection? Which is the fastest way to update these documents?
I have two tables: employee and department table. I want to join these two tables like the SQL query below. SELECT,department.deptname FROM employee, department
I’m new to learning NodeJs and MongoDB. I’m trying to connect MongoDB and NodeJs. But its showing an error. I tried many times. Anyone help me with this? const {MongoClient} = ...
I want to update values depending on the current record. prisma.user.updateMany((record) => { const recordID = return { data: { encryptedId: encrypt(recordID) }}; }; });
I want to install MongoDB on Fedora Linux. On running the command, sudo dnf install mongodb-org I’m getting the following error: Error: Problem: conflicting requests - package mongodb-org-4.2.0-1.el7.x86_64 from mongodb-4.2 requires mongodb-org-shell = 4.2.0, but none of the providers ...